TMJ/TMD Treatment – White Plains, NY
Comprehensive Diagnoses and Treatments Backed By Modern Technology
Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about their jaw until it starts giving them problems, including clicking, popping, and chronic discomfort. These issues often stem from the temporomandibular joint (or TMJ), which is responsible for the many complex movements your jaw makes when chewing, speaking, and performing other basic functions. If your jaw is constantly in pain or there are other issues you’d like to address (like headaches or teeth grinding), Westchester Dental Group is ready to help!
Why Choose Westchester Dental Group
for TMJ/TMD Treatment?
- Pankey Institute Trained Dentists
- Advanced Cold Laser Treatment Available In-House
- Highly Personalized Occlusal Splints
TMJ/TMD Diagnosis

Our dentists at Westchester Dental Group utilize BioResearch technologies to learn as much about your jaw and related oral structures as possible. This ensures we can create a treatment plan that is fully informed and comprehensive from start to finish. During your consultation, we’ll explain the techniques and technologies we intend to utilize so you can feel confident about your diagnosis going forward. After your evaluation is complete, we’ll introduce you to your treatment options so you can make an informed decision on your TMJ therapy.
Joint Vibration Analysis

Joint vibration analysis relies on two basic principles to evaluate the movement of your jaw: motion and friction. The device consists of a pair of headphones that are placed directly onto the temporomandibular joints and a small unit that records data related to your jaw joint. The test is simple, quick, and easy to complete, and our team will guide you through the process in detail.
Jaw Tracker Mandibular Analysis

This device is designed to provide our team with highly accurate measurements of how the jaw moves. With it, we can analyze your jaw movement in an incredibly dynamic way as you perform basic functions, including chewing, speaking, swallowing, and other complex movements. After collecting this data, we can detect the presence of abnormal movements that better inform our diagnosis.
EMG Muscle Analysis

An EMG muscle analysis is designed to record muscle-specific activity present in skeletal muscles. It consists of a series of electrode patches that are placed on specific areas on the head and neck that measure the actions and reactions of the muscles, ensuring future dental work is aligned with your physiology.
T-Scan Bite Analysis

This small, handheld device is equipped with a U-shaped portion that you bite onto. Doing so allows our team to analyze lateral and protrusive movements as well as examine exactly how your bite comes together. The software coupled with T-scan also provides visual representations of your biting force, making it easier to explain potential treatment options going forward.
TMJ/TMD Treatment

Our dentists utilize multiple approaches when recommending TMJ therapy. While this includes more traditional solutions like occlusal splints (a dedicated oral appliance customized to your mouth exactly), it also includes more technological approaches like TENS units and cold laser treatment. We encourage you to learn more about these treatments ahead of your next visit and ask us any questions you may have. Our dentists are dedicated to finding solutions that best address your oral health needs.
Cold Laser Treatment

Our practice utilizes cold laser treatment to provide pain relief from symptoms caused by a TMJ disorder. Our device uses infrared light therapy at a cellular level and can be adjusted depending on your specific concerns. For example, we can adjust the wavelength of our laser to address issues like pain and inflammation in the jaw joints.
Occlusal Splints

More traditional solutions for addressing chronic pain in the jaw joints include occlusal splints, which are highly customized oral appliances typically worn while you sleep. These appliances are created using in-house digital impression technology, ensuring the most comfortable fit and best durability possible. When worn, they shift the position of the jaw, giving your TMJ a chance to rest and recover.
TENS Treatment

TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and TENS units are dedicated devices that work to stimulate the nerves, blocking signals from traveling to your brain that trigger jaw discomfort. The device consists of electrode patches that are attached to your jaw, which then connect to a small, battery-powered keypad where you can make adjustments that best meet your preferences.